Fig 3. Principle component analysis of S. aureus ribosomal proteins following growth under the differing experimental regimes.
(a) PCA scores from the ribosomal protein data derived from S. aureus cells grown under control, centroid and experimental regimes. The data were assessed for (A) control cultures grown under ideal conditions at pH7 and 37°C with no added NaCl; (B) centroid cultures grown at pH 7 and 37°C with 2.5% NaCl, and the four experimental groups: (C) 35°C and pH6 with no added NaCl; (D) 35°C and pH8 with no added NaCl; (E) 35°C and pH6 with 5% NaCl added; (F) 35°C and pH8 with 5% NaCl. (b) The PCA loadings p1 and p2 indicating the contributions of the ribosomal proteins to the cluster separations.