Figure 1. Construct-specific EGFP expression in V1.
(A) Cortical vasculature with four injection sites in one cranial window over V1 of a macaque monkey: 1, rAAV9:mSYN-EGFP; 2, rAAV8:CaMKII-EGFP; 3, rAAV8:mSYN-EGFP; 4, rAAV1:CaMKII-EGFP. Blue stain at sites 2, 3 and 4 reflect the location of viral injections with trypan blue (see Experimental Procedures). Viral injection at site 1 was performed three months earlier, and hence shows minimal blue stain. (B) In vivo epifluorescence image three months post-injection at sites 2–4. Fluorescence at sites 1, 2 and 4 was prominent, but not at site 3. Fluorescence using the human synapsin promoter construct is not shown.