Table 1.
Information on the Nominated Linkage Regions Updated According to Li 34
Chromosome | Marker or marker region | Position | Chr. bands | Phenotype |
3 | D3S1763–D3S1262 | 167,239,681–186,223,727 | 3q26–q27 | DSM-IVND, SQ |
4 | D4S403–D4S2632, D4S244 | 13,750,828–65,491,728 | 4p15–q13.1 | FTND, CPD |
5 (region 1) | D5S1969, D5S647, D5S428 | 53,242,832–85,410,963 | 5q11.2–q14 | SQ, smoking status, FTND |
5 (region 2)* | D5S400, D5S1354 | 149,800,001–179,631,902 | 5q33.1–q35* | FTND, CPD |
6 | D6S1009, D6S1581–D6S281, D6S446 | 137,302,085–170,552,657 | 6q23.3–q27 | Smoking status, FTND, withdrawal severity |
7 | D7S486, D7S636 | 115,894,675–150,699,599 | 7q31.2–q36.1 | FTND, DSM-IV |
9 (region 1) | D9S2169–D9S925, D9S925–D9S319 | 5,200,390–29,560,115 | 9p21–p24.1 | FTND, HSI, SQ |
9 (region 2) | D9S257–D9S910, D9S283, D9S64, D9S1825 | 90,290,735–127,888,281 | 9q21.33–q33 | SQ, FTND, smoking status |
10 | D10S1432, D10S2469/CYP17, D10S597, D10S1652-D10S1693, D10S129-D10S217 | 64,407,495–129,540,525 | 10q21.2–q26.2 | SQ, FTND, smoking status |
11 | D11S4046, D11S4181, D11S2362-D11S1981, D11S1999-D11S1981, D11S2368–D11S2371, D11S1392–D11S1344, D11S1985–D11S2371 | 1,963,635–73,505,374 | 11p15–q13.4 | FTND, SQ |
17 (region 1) | GATA 193, D17S974–D17S2196, D17S799–D17S2196, D17S799–D17S1290 | 10,518,666–56,331,730 | 17p13.1–q22 | CPD, SQ, HSI |
17 (region 2)* | D17S968 | 67,100,001–81,195,210 | 17q24.3–q25.3* | Smoking status |
20* | D20S119–D20S178, D20S481–D20S480 | 43,648,850–58,400,000 | 20q13.12–q13.32* | CPD, SQ |
22 | D22S345–D22S315, D22S315–D22S1144 | 24,488,587–27,683,302 | 22q11.23–12.1 | CPD, age at first cigarette |
denotes linkage regions expanded or newly ascertained after evaluating results published after our 2008 review. Genomic positions for microsatellite markers and corresponding chromosome bands were obtained through the UCSC Genome Browser (, which are in the GRCh37/hg19 assembly.
Abbreviations: Chr., chromosome; CPD, cigarettes smoked per day; DSM = Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (American Psychiatric Association), FTND, Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence; HSI, heaviness of smoking index; SQ, smoking quantity.