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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2016 Nov 10.
Published in final edited form as: Mol Psychiatry. 2016 May 10;21(8):992–1008. doi: 10.1038/mp.2016.67

Table 1.

Information on the Nominated Linkage Regions Updated According to Li 34

Chromosome Marker or marker region Position Chr. bands Phenotype
3 D3S1763–D3S1262 167,239,681–186,223,727 3q26–q27 DSM-IVND, SQ
4 D4S403–D4S2632, D4S244 13,750,828–65,491,728 4p15–q13.1 FTND, CPD
5 (region 1) D5S1969, D5S647, D5S428 53,242,832–85,410,963 5q11.2–q14 SQ, smoking status, FTND
5 (region 2)* D5S400, D5S1354 149,800,001–179,631,902 5q33.1–q35* FTND, CPD
6 D6S1009, D6S1581–D6S281, D6S446 137,302,085–170,552,657 6q23.3–q27 Smoking status, FTND, withdrawal severity
7 D7S486, D7S636 115,894,675–150,699,599 7q31.2–q36.1 FTND, DSM-IV
9 (region 1) D9S2169–D9S925, D9S925–D9S319 5,200,390–29,560,115 9p21–p24.1 FTND, HSI, SQ
9 (region 2) D9S257–D9S910, D9S283, D9S64, D9S1825 90,290,735–127,888,281 9q21.33–q33 SQ, FTND, smoking status
10 D10S1432, D10S2469/CYP17, D10S597, D10S1652-D10S1693, D10S129-D10S217 64,407,495–129,540,525 10q21.2–q26.2 SQ, FTND, smoking status
11 D11S4046, D11S4181, D11S2362-D11S1981, D11S1999-D11S1981, D11S2368–D11S2371, D11S1392–D11S1344, D11S1985–D11S2371 1,963,635–73,505,374 11p15–q13.4 FTND, SQ
17 (region 1) GATA 193, D17S974–D17S2196, D17S799–D17S2196, D17S799–D17S1290 10,518,666–56,331,730 17p13.1–q22 CPD, SQ, HSI
17 (region 2)* D17S968 67,100,001–81,195,210 17q24.3–q25.3* Smoking status
20* D20S119–D20S178, D20S481–D20S480 43,648,850–58,400,000 20q13.12–q13.32* CPD, SQ
22 D22S345–D22S315, D22S315–D22S1144 24,488,587–27,683,302 22q11.23–12.1 CPD, age at first cigarette

Notes: This table was modified from Table 3 of Li.34


denotes linkage regions expanded or newly ascertained after evaluating results published after our 2008 review. Genomic positions for microsatellite markers and corresponding chromosome bands were obtained through the UCSC Genome Browser (, which are in the GRCh37/hg19 assembly.

Abbreviations: Chr., chromosome; CPD, cigarettes smoked per day; DSM = Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (American Psychiatric Association), FTND, Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence; HSI, heaviness of smoking index; SQ, smoking quantity.