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. 2016 Jul 22;7:129. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2016.00129

Algorithm 2.

mutate_single_nucleotide(ϕ, τ, Pi, j, t)

  1: // input: sequence, target structure, matrix of pair probabilities and the design template
  2: mutationFalse
  3: while mutation = = False do
  4:     irandomly_select_unpaired_position(τ)
  5:     if t[i] is not “othen
  6:        continue
  7:     end if
  8:     random_numberrandom_float(0, 1)
  9:     probability_of_mutation ← 1−Pi, n+1
10:     if random_number < probability_of_mutation then
11:         ϕ′ ← mutate_at_position(position = i, ϕ) //replace ϕi with A,G,U or C
12:         if ϕ′ is not ϕ then
13:            ϕ ← ϕ′
14:            mutationTrue
15:       end if
16:     end if
17: end while
18: Return ϕ