Figure 5.
Box plots as described in Figure 2 legend showing (A) the daily maize tortilla consumption (g fresh weight/day) by women in the biomarker response validation study from Sacatepéquez, Santa Rosa, and Chiquimula for all subjects in February to March 2013, (B) total fumonisin (FB1+FB2+FB3) in maize collected from each department at the same time as collecting urine and blood spots, and (C) the estimated total FB intake in each department calculated using the mean FB contamination (Supporting Information, Table S1), the individual tortilla consumption, and body weights corrected for the grams dry weight of maize in tortillas and the reduction of FB by the nixtamalization process (see Torres et al., [15] and Palencia et al. [19] for additional details). The dashed line in (C) is the JECFA PMTDI. In all graphs, bars with differing superscripts within groups are significantly different (p<0.05) based on the Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA on ranks. The ratio of numbers below each box in (C) is the number of individuals with calculated total FB (FB1+FB2+FB3) intake that exceeded the JECFA PMTDI/total subjects.