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. 2016 Jul 13;(66):1–142. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.66.8457
1 Leaves glabrous on both surfaces 2
Leaves with at least some pubescence on either surface (this sometimes sparse along veins and midrib) 10
2 Inflorescence few-flowered (usually less than 10), unbranched (at most furcate in Solanum betroka) 3
Inflorescence many -flowered (more than 10 flowers), usually many times branched 5
3 Flowers appearing fasciculate and axillary; corolla usually somewhat campanulate; fruit orange; South Africa Solanum guineense
Flowers not appearing fasciculate; corolla spreading or the petals reflexed; Madagascar 4
4 Leaves clustered on short shoots; calyx lobes deltate, not divided to base; dry forests Solanum betroka
Leaves not clustered on short shoots; calyx lobes long triangular, divided to the base; wet forests Solanum truncicola
5 Flowers or fruits (or pedicel scars) in tightly packed groups on individual branches (these sometimes very short and the inflorescence appearing spicate) Solanum terminale
Flowers spaced on the open inflorescence, often unevenly so 6
6 Leaves clustered on short shoots Solanum betroka
Leaves spaced along the stem 7
7 Anthers opening by pores that elongate with age; mountains of continental Africa Solanum runsoriense
Anthers opening by delineated pores that do not elongate with age; Madagascar 8
8 Leaves fleshy, thick and coriaceous, the venation not visible in dry specimens; fruit with thick pericarp (woody?) Solanum myrsinoides
Leaves membranous to coriaceous, not markedly thick and fleshy, the venation visible in dry specimens; fruit with thin pericarp, the seeds visible through the berry wall 9
9 Petioles with long, simple trichomes (these not extending to the lamina); seeds 4-8 per berry; inflorescence axis thin and delicate Solanum trichopetiolatum
Petioles glabrous or with minute dendritic trichomes; seeds 20-40 per berry; inflorescence axis robust Solanum madagascariense
10 Leaf trichomes simple (unbranched) 11
Leaf trichomes branched (dendritic to echinoid) 16
11 Inflorescence axis unbranched, the flowers closely spaced 12
Inflorescence axis branched, often many times so 13
12 Leaves clustered along stem; fruit orange; South Africa Solanum guineense
Leaves more or less evenly spaced along shoots; fruit purple or black; Madagascar Solanum truncicola
13 Flowers or fruits (or pedicel scars) in tightly packed groups on individual branches (these sometimes very short and the inflorescence appearing spicate) Solanum terminale
Flowers spaced on the open inflorescence, often unevenly so 14
14 Stems strongly quadrangular; at least some leaves with shallow lobes; plants of seashore and dune habitats Solanum africanum
Stems terete; leaves not lobed; plants of forests and forest edges 15
15 Leaf pubescence very sparse, confined to the midrib or near the petiole; flowers not heterostylous; Madagsacar Solanum trichopetiolatum
Leaf pubescence variable, not very sparse, along veins and lamina; flowers heterostylous; mountains of continental Africa Solanum runsoriense
16 Abaxial leaf surfaces with tufts of trichomes in the vein axils (domatia) 17
Abaxial leaf surfaces with trichomes on lamina and/or along veins, not with prominent tufts in the vein axils (domatia) 19
17 Inflorescence many times branched, open and with many flowers (>20); calyx lobes broadly deltate and extremely short; petioles to 4 cm long, thin and flexuous; Mayotte Solanum macrothyrsum
Inflorescence furcate, more congested and with fewer flowers (<20); calyx lobes deltate, not extremely short; petioles to 2.5 cm long, thicker; Madagascar 18
18 Calyx lobes 0.8-2 mm long; inflorescences with 10-16 flowers Solanum ivohibe
Calyx lobes 4-6 mm long; inflorescences with 3-10 flowers Solanum sambiranense
19 Abaxial leaf surfaces evenly pubescent on veins and lamina 20
Abaxial leaf surfaces pubescent only along the veins and midrib, the trichomes not extending to the lamina 22
20 Anther pores lengthening to slits with age; flowers heterstylous; leaves evenly distributed along branches; mountains of continental Africa Solanum runsoriense
Anther pores not lengthening to slit with age; flowers not heterostylous; leaves usually at least somewhat clustered on short shoots; Madagascar 21
21 Leaves densely pubescent with golden (when dry) loosely dendritic trichomes; flowers >2 cm in diameter; anthers 4-6 mm long; widespread in Madagascar Solanum imamense
Leaves sparsely pubescent with white (when dry) congested dendritic trichomes; flowers 2 cm in diameter or less; anthers 3.5–4 mm long; dry forests of southern Madagascar Solanum betroka
22 Inflorescence unbranched, with few (usually < 5) flowers; pedicels 1.8-4.5 cm long Solanum humblotii
Inflorescence many times branched, with many flowers (more than 5); pedicels 0.8-1.2 cm long 23
23 Anther pores lengthening to slits with age; flowers heterostylous; pedicels with pubescence like the inflorescence rachis; mountains of continental Africa Solanum runsoriense
Anther pores not lengthening to slit with age; flowers not heterostylous; pedicels always glabrous; Madagascar Solanum madagascariense