A, interactions between Amb a 8 and poly(l-Pro)14. Amb a 8 residues are shown as yellow sticks, whereas poly(l-Pro) is shown in a ball-and-stick representation and labeled using one-letter codes. B, superposition of profilin complexes with proline-rich peptides. Only side chains of profilin residues involved in binding of proline-rich peptides are shown. The superposition involves Amb a 8 (yellow sticks), human profilin (cyan sticks; PDB entry 3CHW), mouse profilin (gray sticks; PDB entry 2V8F), and profilin from P. falciparum (purple sticks; PDB entry 2JKG). C, superposition of profilin complexes with proline-rich peptides. Only poly(l-Pro) and proline-rich peptide are shown. Poly(l-Pro) from the Amb a 8·poly(l-Pro)14 complex is shown in ball-and-stick representation.