Subcellular localization of Sec31 and its co-localization with CRK1.
A, Sec31 co-localizes with Sec13 in the ERES. Cells co-expressing endogenously EYFP-tagged Sec31 and mCherry-tagged Sec13 were fixed, stained with DAPI, and examined under a fluorescence microscope. B, Sec31 was juxtaposed to the Golgi. Cells expressing EYFP-tagged Sec31 were immunostained with the anti-TbGRASP antibody, which stains the Golgi stack protein TbGRASP, and counterstained with DAPI for DNA. C, co-localization of Sec31 and CRK1. Cells co-expressing 3HA-tagged Sec31 and PTP-tagged CRK1 were co-immunostained with FITC-conjugated anti-HA mAb and anti-protein A polyclonal antibody to label Sec31–3HA and CRK1-PTP, respectively. Scale bars, 5 μm. DIC, differential interference contrast.