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. 2016 Feb 13;10(5):507–509. doi: 10.1093/ecco-jcc/jjw041

Table 1.

Adalimumab concentration thresholds during maintenance therapy associated with endoscopic outcomes in inflammatory bowel disease.

No. Threshold [μg/ml] Endoscopic outcome Definition of mucosal healing SN SP PPV NPV Assay Ref.
CD 60 ≥ 8.14a Mucosal healing Absence of any ulceration in all ileocolonic segments 91 76 84 86 HMSA [4]
CD /
[CD: 59]
≥ 7.5b Mucosal healing Lack of any inflammation in the intestinal mucosa [erosions, ulcers, granularity, or friability] 62 83 NR NR HMSA [5]
CD /
[CD: 58]
> 7.1 Mucosal healing CD: SES-CD < 3
UC: endoscopic Mayo score < 2 or absence of any sign of inflammation both for CD and UC
32 85 51 72 ELISAc [6]
CD /
[CD: 22]
< 4.9 Absence of mucosal healing CD: disappearance of all ulcerations on all ileocolonic segments
UC: endoscopic Mayo score < 2
66 85 88 51 ELISAd [7]

IBD, inflammatory bowel disease; CD, Crohn’s disease; UC, ulcerative colitis; No., number of patients; ELISA, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; HMSA, homogeneous mobility shift assay; SN, sensitivity; SP, specificity; PPV, positive predictive value; NPV, negative predictive value; Ref., reference; NR, not reported; SES-CD, simple endoscopic score for CD.

aBased on serum samples collected at intervals of 1-6 days before drug administration date, for patients who received adalimumab every other week or up to 48h before the drugs were administered, for patients who received adalimumab every week.

bBased on randomly collected serum samples [as opposed to trough serum samples].

cAnti-human lambda chain detection ELISA.

dLisa-Tracker Premium ELISA kit [Theradiag, Marne la valée, France].