Sustained morphine administration specifically up-regulated GluN2B, but not other NMDAR subunits. (A) Western blots: representative blots for GluN2B NMDAR subunits in DRGs from saline (Sal) and morphine (Mor) treated rats. Histogram: Statistical analysis showed that there was up-regulation of GluN2B subunits in the DRGs from morphine treated rats. (B) Western blots: representative blots for GluN2A/B NMDARs subunits in DRGs from saline and morphine treated rats. Histogram: Statistical analysis showed that there was up-regulation of GluN2A/B subunits in DRGs from morphine treated rats. Western blot analysis did not reveal any significant difference in GluN2C (C) or GluN2D (D) subunits expression between saline and morphine treated rats. Sal, Saline treated group; Mor, Morphine treated group. *, p ≤ 0.05; **, p ≤ 0.01. Integers in each column represent sample numbers.