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. 2016 May 30;9(4):580–582. doi: 10.1093/ckj/sfw039

Table 1.

Investigation results

Test (reference range) Initial hospital presentation Admission to our hospital First discharge Second hospital presentation Second discharge
Haemoglobin (115–160 g/L) 70 72 103 81 109
Platelets (150–400 × 109/L) 17 30 351 8 314
Film Not performed Moderate polychromasia, fragmented red cells and spherocytes Occasional spherocyte and fragmented red cell noted Moderate numbers of fragmented red cells and spherocytes,
large platelets
Occasional red cell fragment
Direct Coombs test Not performed Negative Negative Negative Not performed
LDH (150–280 U/L) 839 970 206 1630 328
Bilirubin (<20 µmol/L) 35 34 6 51 9
Haptoglobin (0.36–1.95 g/L) Not performed 0.02 2.06 0.03 0.82
Creatinine (46–90 mmol/L) 90 95 61 118 77
eGFR (>90 mL/min/1.73 m2) 75 70 >90 54 >90
ADAMTS13 activity >94% 102% (after 2 units PRBC and 2 units FFP) Not performed 146% N/A