(A) Plasma ACTH (pg/ml) at baselines between before and after CRH injection in controls with CRH (n = 8) and IBS patients with CRH (n = 8). iv, intravenous injection. Results represent mean ± SD. †P < 0.05, compared with each baseline, paired t-test. (B) A significant drug effect and drug × distention interaction in plasma ACTH (pg/ml) during random distention after drug injection was noted between controls with saline (n = 8), IBS patients with saline (n = 8), controls with CRH (n = 8) and IBS patients with CRH (n = 8), analyzed by GEE. (C) Serum cortisol (μg/ml) at baselines between before and after CRH injection. †P < 0.05, compared with each baseline. (D) Serum cortisol (μg/ml) during random distention after drug injection had a significant drug effect, drug × distention interaction and drug × distention × group interaction by GEE analysis.