FIG. 8.
Schematic representation of different nanostructures used for confining the DNA (left) and the corresponding fluorescence images of the DNA under confinement (right). A nanoslit is characterized by one nanoscale dimension (height), a nanochannel by two nanoscale dimensions (height and width), and a nanopore by three nanoscale dimensions with axial symmetry (radius and length). (*) λ-DNA in 1.3 μm high (first row) and 33 nm high (second row) nanoslits. Reproduced with permission from Bonthuis et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 108303 (2008). Copyright 2008 American Physical Society.115 (**) λ-DNA in nanochannels with different cross-section. From left to right the cross-section increases from 30 nm × 40 nm to 440 nm × 440 nm. Reproduced with permission from Reisner et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 196101 (2005). Copyright 2005 American Physical Society.116 Schematic representation was inspired by Hsieh and Doyle.117