Table 1.
1. To how many orthopedic surgery residency programs did you apply? (Note: If you applied to residencies with 5- and 6-year programs, count those as 2). Please enter a numerical value only, for example, 20. |
2. What is the primary reason you did not apply to more programs? |
3. What is the primary reason you did not apply to fewer programs? |
4. How would you rate your competitiveness as an applicant? Outstanding/Good/Average/Poor |
5. What is your age? Please enter a numerical value only. |
6. What is your gender? Male/Female |
7. Did you couples match? Yes/No |
8. Are you an AOA? Yes/No/My school does not have an AOA |
9. Did you receive honors in your surgery rotation? Yes/No/No honors at my school |
10. Did you receive honors in your medicine rotation? Yes/No/No honors at my school |
11. Are you from a medical school with an orthopedic residency program? Yes/No |
12. What region are you from? |
Northeast=Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island |
Mid-Atlantic=New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia |
Southeast=Arkansas, Louisiana, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina |
Midwest=Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky |
Southwest=Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico |
West=California, Nevada |
Northwest=Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming |
Non-contiguous 48=Alaska and Hawaii |
International=Outside of the United States |
13. How many away rotations does your school allow? Please answer numerically. |
14. How many ‘away’ orthopedic rotations did you complete (i.e., outside of your home rotation)? Please enter a numerical value only. |
15. How many ‘away’ orthopedic rotations did you complete outside your region? Please enter a numerical value only. |
16. What is your USMLE Step 1 score? Please enter a numerical value only. |
17. What is your USMLE Step 2 CK score? Please enter a numerical value only. |
18. How many research experiences do you have? Please enter a numerical value only. |
19. How many abstracts, publications, presentations? Please enter a numerical value only. |
20. Number of work experiences. Please enter a numerical value only. |
21. Do you have a graduate degree in addition to your medical degree? If yes, please list: |
22. Do you have a PhD? |
AOA, Alpha Omega Alpha; CK, clinical knowledge; USMLE, United States Medical Licensing Exam.