Conjugation ability of Enterobacteriaceae isolates containing pKPC_UVA01, pKPC_CAV1193, or pKPC_UVA02 to Kpn223. Donors are indicated on the x axis, and the recipient is Kpn223. Broth culture conjugations were performed for 20 h. The conjugation frequency is given by the number of CFU of transconjugants/number of CFU of recipients. The plasmid, sequence type, and species are given above the graph. The species are K. pneumoniae (Kpn) and K. oxytoca (Kox). Each symbol represents the value for an individual (n ≥ 3). Each bar indicates the median value for a group. Symbols: solid circles, conjugation frequency; open circles, no transconjugants observed at the limit of detection. The superscript a for two plasmids indicates that the plasmid was determined by whole-genome sequencing on the Illumina HiSeq platform and long-range PCR (31). n.t., not tested.