Effects of ME-344 on glycolysis in lung cancer and IHLEF cells. (A) Glycolysis stress tests were presented as ECAR changes upon addition of: ME-344 (11.48 μM), Glu (glucose, 10.0 mM), O (oligomycin, 1.0 µM), and 2-DG (2-deoxy-glucose, 10.0 mM) using SHP-77 lung cancer cells (sensitive). The trace is representative of six independent experiments. (B) Averaged differences between ME-344 (11.48 µM) and DMSO (same volume)-treated sensitive (H460 and SHP-77), IHLEF MRC-5, and resistant (H596 and SW900) cells. The differences are statistically significant only where sensitive cells are compared with either resistant or IHLEF cells (P ≤ 0.001). Data were normalized for cell numbers. (C) ME-344 dose effects on glycolysis (percentage of initial ECAR changes after glucose addition, averaged for sensitive [H460, SHP-77] cells). (D) ME-344 dose effects on glycolysis (percentage of initial ECAR changes after addition of glucose) averaged for IHLEF (MRC-5) and resistant (H596, SW900) cells. All data are presented as mean ± S.D. for six independent experiments and are statistically different (P ≤ 0.001).