ME-344 effects on the dynamics of superoxide radical generation, NADPH redox, and inner mitochondrial membrane potentials (Ψin). (A) ME-344 (11.4 μM) addition does not affect intracellular superoxide radical generation (detected with Deep Red fluorescent dye in real-time kinetics) in H460 (sensitive: black trace) and H596 (resistant: gray trace) cells. (B) ME-344 (11.48 μM) effects on NADPH emission either before (red trace) or after (green trace) glucose (Glu, 2.0 mM) as indicated by arrows in sensitive (H460) cells or in IHLEF (MRC-5, black trace). Traces are representative of three independent experiments and similar for SHP-77 (sensitive, not shown) cells. (C, D) Effects of ME-344 (11.48 μM) and glucose (2.0 mM, arrows) on the IMM potentials of sensitive (H460, solid line) cells, IHLEF (MRC-5, dotted and dashed line) and resistant (SW900, dashed line) cells; detected with JC-9 ratiometric fluorescent dye in real-time kinetics. Traces are representative of three independent experiments and were similar for SHP-77 sensitive and H596 resistant cells.