Step | Description | Time requirements |
Starting material: SILAC heavy and light labelled HeLa cells (1 x15 cm dish each, 50% confluent, ie 2 x 10 million cells). | ||
1 | Mechanical cell lysis, and differential centrifugation subcellular fractionation → the actual ‘Fractionation Profiling’ | 4 hr |
2 | Protein assay of fractions, overnight tryptic digest, peptide clean-up | 4 hr hands-on, + overnight digestion |
3 | Mass spectrometry analysis (Thermo Q-Exactive HF) | 20 hr (fast protocol) |
4 | MaxQuant data processing (free software), data filtering | < 24 hr (processor with 8 cores e.g. intel i7) |
5 | Visualization of maps by PCA, check clustering (using eg SIMCA software (free demo), or Perseus software (free) | 1 hr |
6 | Prediction of protein subcellular localization by SVM classification (Perseus, free software) | 1 hr |
→From cells to map in 3 days |