Motility of the Lysobacter species on inert surfaces. The swimming (A), swarming (B) and twitching (C) motility of the Lysobacter species (colony area, mm2) was evaluated on Swimming Agar, (SWM), Pea Agar Medium 0.3 (PAM 0.3), Luria Bertani Agar 0.5 (LBA 0.5), Swarming agar (SWR), Pea Agar Medium 0.5 (PAM 0.5), Luria Bertani Agar 1 (LBA 1), and Pea Agar Medium 1 (PAM 1). An F-test revealed non-significant differences between experiments (P values ranged from 0.12 to 0.81 for the motility assay) and data from the three experiments were pooled. Mean colony area and standard error values were calculated as the pool of nine replicates (Petri dishes) from three experiments. For each strain, asterisks indicate values that differ significantly according to Student’s t-test (α = 0.05) in the pairwise comparison of SWM and PAM 0.3, and LBA 1 against PAM 1. In the swarming assay for each strain, different letters indicate significant differences according to Tukey’s test (α = 0.05). 1, L. capsici AZ78; 2, L. capsici 55; 3, L. capsici 6.2.3.; 4, L. capsici DSM 19286T; 5, L. capsici DSM 23109; 6, L. capsici M143; 7, L. antibioticus DSM 2044T; 8, L. enzymogenes DSM 2043T; 9, L. daejeonensis DSM 17634T; 10, L. gummosus DSM 6980T; 11, L. brunescens DSM 6979T; 12, L. spongiicola DSM 21744T; 13, L. arseniciresistens DSM 2723T. Pictures of L. capsici AZ78 motility on SWM (D), PAM 0.3 (E), LBA 0.5 (F), PAM 0.5 (G), LBA 1 (I), and PAM 1 (J). The images were captured using Bio-Rad Quantity One software. The detail of the biosurfactant ring (H) was taken with a LMD7000 instrument (Leica Microsystems), software LAS V3.7 (Leica Microsystems); Magnification X-5, bar 200 μm.