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. 2016 Jul 26;10:386. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2016.00386

Table 2.

Cluster maxima and their respective coordinates.

Cluster size p(FWE) F MNI coordinates (mm) Brain region (AAL label)
x y z
a. Factorial analysis (ANOVA), average effect of condition, contrast “harmful activites > neutral activities”
9137 0.001 218.63 −54 −68 2 Left middle temporal gyrus (Temporal_Mid_L)
2317 0.001 142.25 48 −64 2 Right middle temporal gyrus (Temporal_Mid_R)
927 0.001 115.56 24 −54 62 Right superior parietal cortex (Parietal_Sup_R)
306 0.001 78.09 −20 0 66 Left superior frontal gyrus (Frontal_Sup_L)
79 0.001 77.88 52 22 10 Right inferior frontal gyrus (Frontal_Inf_Tri_R)
8 0.004 50.48 −26 0 −26 Left amygdala (Amygdala_L)
b. Voxel-wise regression analysis, positive correlations with TSK score, contrast “harmful activites > neutral activities”
349 0.001 6.04 −24 20 −22 Left orbitofrontal cortex (Fontral_inf_Orb_L)
194 0.001 5.82 −52 −32 −14 Left middle temporal gyrus (Temporal_Mid_L)
314 0.001 5.81 −4 −38 58 Left postcentral gyrus (Precuneus_L)
79 0.043 4.78 −58 −6 12 Left rolandic operculum (Rolandic_Oper_L)
339 0.001 4.64 −40 −56 34 Left angular gyrus (Angular_L)

FWE, family-wise error; MNI, Montreal Neurological Institute; AAL, Automated Anatomical Labeling.