Figure 2. Both model prediction and data show increase in the noise in timing as newborn cell size increases.
(a) Model prediction for noise (coefficient of variation squared, CV2) in division time as computed numerically using equation (6). The model parameters used are: transcription rate km = 0.13 min−1, threshold X = 65 molecules, growth rate α = 0.03 min−1, and mean burst size b = 5 molecules. The distribution of protein burst size Bi is assumed to be geometric. For details on how these parameter values were estimated, see SI, section S6. (b) Experimental data from1 for Escherichia coli MG1655 also shows increase in cell division time noise as newborn cell size increases. Single-cell data was categorized in one of the four bins (1–2.8 μm, 2.8–4.5 μm, 4.5–6.3 μm, and 6.3–8 μm) depending upon newborn cell sizes. CV2 of division time with 95% confidence interval (using bootstrapping) for each bin is shown (more details in SI, section S6).