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. 2016 Aug;138(2):e20154425. doi: 10.1542/peds.2015-4425


Summary of Studies Using Parent-Focused Interventions to Reduce Youth Substance Use

Study ID Authors Youth Demographics Intervention Description Control Description Outcomes Measured Resultsa (P < .05) Number Low Risk of Bias Criteriab
1 Bauman et al (2001)14 N = 1326; Female NA; Race NA; 12–14 y 4 booklets + 4 follow-up calls (parent) No intervention Smoking initiation; alcohol use and initiation 12 mo: no difference smoking use or alcohol use 1
2 Brody et al (2006)15 N = 332; 53.6% Female; African American; 11–13.5 y 7 sessions (youth + parents) 3 leaflets Alcohol use and intention 3 mo: reduced alcohol initiation/use; 29 mo: reduced alcohol initiation/use 3
3 Brody et al (2010)16 N = 667; Female (NA); African American; 10.8 y 5 sessions (youth + parents) 3 leaflets Alcohol use and initiation 29 mo: reduced alcohol use; 65 mo: reduced alcohol use 2
4 Brody et al (2012)17 N = 502; 51% Female; African American; Age 16 y (10th grade) 5 sessions (youth + parents) 5 sessions on nutrition (youth + parents) Smoking, alcohol, substance and polysubstance use 22 mo: reduced polysubstance use 1
5 Connell et al (2006,18 2007)19 N = 998; 47.3% Female; Diverse population; 11–17 y 6 sessions (youth) + 3 family checkups + elective family intervention (youth + parents) No intervention Smoking, alcohol, substance 72 mo: reduced smoking use, alcohol use, and substance use 4
6 Curry et al (2003)20 N = 4026; 52% Female; Primarily white; 10–12 y 1 handbook + 2 counseling calls + 1 newsletter (parent) Standard care Smoking intention and use 6 mo: no difference smoking intention, or use; 12 mo: no difference smoking intention, or use; 20 mo: no difference smoking intention, or use 1
7 DeGarmo et al (2009)21 N = 361; 51% Female; European American; 5th–12th grade 6 sessions (youth + parent) + recess games (youth + teacher) + 7 phone calls (parent) + newsletters (teacher + parent) No intervention Smoking, alcohol, and substance use and initiation 60 mo: reduced smoking and alcohol initiation, no difference substance initiation 4
8 Dembo et al (2002)22 N = 315; 44% Female; Diverse population; 14.5 y 30 home visits (youth + parent) Phone contacts with staff and referrals if necessary Alcohol use 36 mo: no difference alcohol use 1
9(a) Dishion & Andrews (1995)23 N = 65; 47.5% Female; 90% Caucasian; 10–14 y 12 sessions + 6 newsletter (parents) No intervention Smoking and substance use 4 mo: no change smoking use; 16 mo: no change smoking use 1
9(b) Dishion & Andrews (1995)23 N = 70; 47.5% Female; 90% Caucasian; 10–14 y 12 sessions + 6 newsletter (youth + parents) No intervention Smoking and substance use 4 mo: increased smoking use; 16 mo: increased smoking use 1
10 Fang L, et al (2010)24 N = 108; 100% Female; Asian American; 10–14 y 9 online sessions (youth + parent) No treatment Smoking and alcohol use; substance use and intention 6.25 mo: no difference smoking use, reduced alcohol use, substance use, and polysubstance intention 4
11 Forman SG et al (1990)25 N = 279; Female (NA); White; 14.72 y 10 youth sessions + 1 booster + 5 parent sessions (youth + parent) 10 sessions + 2 booster on peer support, increase substance knowledge (youth only) Smoking, alcohol and substance use 12 mo: no difference smoking use or alcohol use, reduced substance use 2
12 Gonzales et al (2012)26 N = 516; 50.8% Female; Mexican American; 12.3 y 9 sessions + 2 home visits (youth + parent) 1 workshop on school resources/ school success (youth + parent) Smoking, alcohol, substance and polysubstance use 12 mo: reduced polysubstance use 4
13 Guilamo-Ramos et al (2010)27 N = 1386; 50.4% Female; Diverse population; 12.1 y 2 youth sessions + 2 parent sessions + 2 booster calls (youth + parent) 2 youth sessions + parent class on high school selection Smoking use 15 mo: reduced smoking use 4
14(a) Haggerty et al (2007)28 N = 213; 48.7% Female; 50.8% Caucasian, 49.2% African American; 13.7 y (8th grade) Intervention 1: self-administered video + workbook program (parent) No treatment Smoking initiation; alcohol, substance and polysubstance use and initiation 24 mo: no change in tobacco, alcohol, substance or poly substance initiation 1
14(b) Haggerty et al (2007)28 N = 224; 48.7% Female; 50.8%; Caucasian, 49.2% African American; 13.7 y (8th grade) Intervention 2: 7 Group video + workbook sessions (youth + parent) No treatment Smoking initiation; alcohol, substance and polysubstance use and initiation 24 mo: no change in tobacco, alcohol, substance or polysubstance initiation 1
15 Komro et al (2006,29 2008)30 N = 5812; 50% Female; Diverse population; 11.8 y (6th grade) Youth: 25 sessions + 9.5 peer leaderships training + community service project. Youth + parent: 12 at home booklets+ 2 family fun events + 13 parent postcards (youth + parent) Standard care Alcohol intention; alcohol and polysubstance use 36 mo: no difference alcohol intention, alcohol or polysubstance use 2
16(a) Koning (2009,31 2011,32 2013)33 N = 1736; 49% Female; Dutch; 12.6 y Intervention 1: 1 presentation + 1 parent consensus meeting for rule making + 1 information leaflet (parent) No intervention Alcohol use 10 mo: no difference alcohol use; 22 mo: no difference alcohol use; 34 mo: no difference alcohol use; 50 mo: no difference alcohol use 3
16(b) Koning (2009,31 2011,32 2013)33 N = 1747; 49% Female; Dutch; 12.6 y Intervention 2: 1 presentation + 1 parent consensus meeting for rule making + 1 information leaflet (parent) + 4 lessons + 1 booster session (youth) No intervention Alcohol use 10 mo: reduced alcohol use; 22 mo: reduced alcohol use; 34 mo: reduced alcohol use; 50 mo: reduced alcohol use 3
17 Loveland-Cherry et al (1999)34 N = 892; 54% Female; European American; 9 y (4th grade) 3 home sessions + phone calls + newsletter No intervention Alcohol use and initiation 60 mo: reduced alcohol use 1
18 Martinez et al (2005)35 N = 73; 44% Female; Latino; 12.74 y (middle school) 12 sessions + 12 notebook exercises (parent) No project-related intervention Smoking, alcohol and substance intention 5.61 mo: reduced smoking intention, marginally reduced substance intention, no difference alcohol intention 1
19 Milburn et al (2012)36 N = 151; 66.2% Female; Diverse population; 14.8 y 5 sessions (youth + parent) Standard care Alcohol, substance and polysubstance use 12 mo: reduced alcohol use, increased marijuana use, reduced hard substance use 3
20(a) O’Donnell et al (2010)37 N = 268; 100% Female; Diverse population; 11–13 y Intervention 1: 4 audio CDs (youth + parent) No materials Alcohol use 12 mo: reduced alcohol use 1
20(b) O’Donnell et al (2010)37 N = 268; 100% Female; Diverse population; 11–13 y Intervention 2: 4 booklets (youth + parent) No materials Alcohol use 12 mo: no change in alcohol use 1
21 Pantin et al (2009)38 N = 213; 36% Female; Hispanic; 13.8 y (8th grade) 9 group sessions +10 family visits + 4 booster sessions (youth + parent) 3 individual and family referrals to agencies that serve delinquent youth Smoking, alcohol, substance and polysubstance use 30 mo: reduced polysubstance use 3
22 Perry et al (1996,39 2002)40 Williams et al (1999)41 N = 2351; 48.7% Female; 94% Caucasian; 6th grade at baseline Project Northland: classroom lessons, school environment enhancements, parent newsletters and workbooks, community environment enhancements Standard care Smoking, alcohol, substance and polysubstance use; alcohol intention and initiation <6 mo: no difference smoking, alcohol or substance use or alcohol intention; 12 mo: no difference smoking, alcohol or substance use or alcohol intention; 24 mo: no difference smoking or substance use, reduced alcohol intention, initiation and use, reduced poly-substance use; 4 y: reduced alcohol use and intention; 6 y: reduced alcohol use and intention 0
23 Prado et al (2007)42 N = 266; 51.9% Female; Hispanic; 13.4 (8th grade) 15 sessions + 8 family visits + 2 “circles” on parenting and preventing substance use and risky sexual behavior (youth + parent) Control 1: 8 ESOL classes (parent) + 6 group sessions + 2 family visits on risky sexual behavior (youth + parent). Control 2: 8 ESOL classes (parent) + 7 group sessions of family exercise (youth + parent) Smoking, alcohol, substance and polysubstance use and initiation 36 mo: reduced smoking use and initiation, reduced substance use comparing intervention with control 2 but not when comparing intervention with control 1; no difference alcohol use or alcohol or substance initiation 3
24 Prado et al (2012)43 N = 242; 35.6% Female; Hispanic or Latino; 14.7 y 8 parent group sessions + 4 family visits (youth + parent) Standard care: included referrals for families Alcohol, substance and polysubstance use 12 mo: reduced polysubstance and substance use, no difference alcohol use 4
25 Riesch et al (2012)44 N = 167; 48.5% Female; Diverse population; 9–11 y, 10.8 y average age 7 sessions (youth + parent) No intervention Smoking, alcohol and substance use 6 mo: no change in smoking, alcohol or substance use 3
26 Schinke et al (2004,45 2010)46 Schwinn et al (2010)47 N = 325; 51.4% Female; Diverse population; 10–12 y 10 online sessions (youth) + 1 videotape + 2 newsletters + 1 booster workshops (parent) No intervention Smoking, alcohol and substance use and intention <6 mo: reduced smoking, alcohol, and substance use; 12 mo: reduced smoking, alcohol, and substance use; 24 mo: reduced smoking, alcohol, and substance use; 36 mo: reduced smoking, alcohol, and substance use; 6 y: reduced smoking and alcohol use, no change in substance use; 7 y: reduced smoking, alcohol use; reduced alcohol intention; no difference substance use 1
27 Schinke et al (2009)48 N = 202; 100% Female; Diverse population; 10–13 y 14 online modules (youth + parent) No treatment Alcohol use intention 2 mo: reduced alcohol use, no effect on alcohol intention 2
28 Schinke et al (2009)49 N = 916; 100% Female; Diverse population; 11–13 y 9 online sessions + 2 online booster sessions (youth + parent) No intervention Smoking, alcohol and substance use and intention; polysubstance intention 24 mo: reduced alcohol and substance use and polysubstance intention; no change in smoking use 1
29 Schinke et al (2009)50 N = 591; 100% Female; Diverse population; 12.7 y 9 online sessions (youth + parent) No intervention Smoking, alcohol and substance use and intention 12 mo: no change smoking use; reduced alcohol use, substance intention & use 3
30 Schinke, SP (2011)51 N = 546; 100% Female; Diverse population; 10–13 y 10 online sessions (youth + parent) No intervention Smoking, alcohol and substance use; polysubstance intention ≤6 mo: reduced, alcohol use and polysubstance intention; no change in tobacco or substance use 2
31 Simons-Morton (2005)52 N = 2651; Female (NA); Race NA; 6th grade 18 classroom lessons + 1 parent video and booklet + enhanced school environment School district comparison group Smoking and alcohol use and intention 36 mo: reduced smoking intention and use 3
32 Spirito (2011)53 N = 125; 53% Female; Diverse population; 13–17 y Individual motivational interview (youth) + 1 family sessions (youth + parent) Individual motivational interview (youth) Alcohol use 3 mo: reduced alcohol use 3
33 Spoth et al (1999,54 2001,55 2004,56 2006,57 2006,58 2008)59, Park et al (2000)60, Mason et al (2003)61, Guyll et al (2004)62 N = 429; 52% Female; 99% Caucasian; 6th grade Preparing for Drug Free Years (PDFY): 4 sessions (parent) + 1 session (youth + parent) 4 leaflets on adolescent development (parent) Smoking, alcohol, substance and polysubstance use and intention 12 mo: no change in smoking, alcohol, substance or polysubstance initiation or use; 24 mo: reduced smoking, alcohol, substance and polysubstance initiation/use; 48 mo: reduced, alcohol use, marginally reduced smoking, alcohol, substance initiation, no change in tobacco or substance use; 6 y: reduced smoking initiation & use, no change in alcohol or substance initiation or use; 10 y: marginally reduced misuse of prescription drugs 3
34 Spoth et al (1999,54 1999,63 2001,55 2004,56 2006,57 2006,58 2008,59 2009,64 2012)65, Guyll et al (2004)62 N = 446; 52% Female; 99% Caucasian; 6th grade Intervention: Iowa Strengthening Families Program (ISFP): 7 sessions (youth + parent) 4 leaflets on adolescent development (parent) Smoking, alcohol, substance and polysubstance use and intention 12 mo: Reduced alcohol initiation no change in smoking, substance or polysubstance initiation or use or alcohol use; 24 mo: reduced smoking, alcohol, substance and polysubstance initiation and marginally reduced smoking, alcohol, substance and polysubstance use; 48 mo: reduced smoking, alcohol, substance and polysubstance initiation, reduced tobacco and alcohol use no change in substance use; 6 y: reduced smoking, alcohol, substance and polysubstance initiation, reduced alcohol, substance and polysubstance use, no change in tobacco use; 10 y: reduced misuse of prescription drugs 3
35 Spoth et al (2002,66 2005,67 2008)68, Spoth et al (2006,57,58 2008)59 describes 2 studies (including this 1) N = 1664; 47% female; Caucasian; 7th grade 7 sessions (youth + parent) 4 leaflets on adolescent development (parent) Smoking, alcohol, substance and polysubstance use; alcohol and substance initiation 12 mo: no difference smoking initiation; reduced alcohol initiation, substance initiation, and poly substance initiation; 2.5 y: reduced poly substance initiation; no change substance use; 5.5 y: reduced smoking initiation/use, alcohol initiation, substance use, and poly substance initiation/use; no change alcohol use or substance initiation 3
36 Spoth et al (2007,69 2011,70 2013)71, Redmond et al (2009)72 N = 11 931; 51% Female; 85% Caucasian; 6th grade at baseline Year 1: Strengthening Families Program (10–14 y): 7 sessions (youth + parent). Year 2: in-class lessons on substance avoidance (youth) No project support Smoking, alcohol and substance use, initiation and intention; polysubstance initiation and intention 12 mo: reduced substance initiation and use, reduced poly-substance initiation, marginally reduced tobacco use and initiation, no change in alcohol use or initiation; 2 y: no difference polysubstance intention; 4 y: reduced smoking, alcohol, substance and polysubstance initiation; reduced substance use; marginally reduced tobacco use; no change in alcohol use; 6 y: reduced smoking and substance use; no change in alcohol use 1
37(a) Stanton et al (2004)73 N = 579; 58% Female; 100% African American; 13–16 y Intervention 1: Intervention 1 + 1 video (youth + parent) 8 youth sessions alone Smoking, alcohol and substance use 24 mo: reduced smoking use; no change alcohol use; marginal change in substance use 2
37(b) Stanton B, et al (2004)73 N = 559; 58% Female; 100% African American; 13-16 Intervention 2: Intervention 1 + 4 booster sessions (youth + parent) 8 youth sessions alone Smoking, alcohol and substance use 24 mo: reduced smoking use; no change alcohol use; marginal change in substance use 2
38 Stormshak, et al (2011)74 Van Ryzin, et al (2012)75 N = 593; 48.6% Female; Diverse population; 11.88 (6th grade) 3 sessions (youth + parent) School as usual Smoking, alcohol and substance use 24 mo: reduced smoking use, reduced alcohol use, reduced substance use; 36 mo: reduced alcohol use 4
39 Werch, CE et al (1998)76 N = 211; 49.8% Female; 85% African American; 12.1 (6th grade) 1 consultation (youth)+ 1 letter + 2-9 workbooks (youth + parent) Booklet on alcohol (youth) Alcohol use initiation and intention 1 mo: no change alcohol use; 12 mo: no change alcohol use 2
40 Werch et al (2003)77 N = 650; 46% female; Diverse population; 11.4 (6th grade) 1 consultation + 1 follow-up consultation (youth) + 10 postcards +4 workbooks (youth + parent) Booklet on alcohol (youth) Alcohol use initiation and intention 12 mo: reduced alcohol intention, no change alcohol use or initiation 2
41 West et al (2008)78 N = 1981; Female (NA); Croatian; 6th–8th grade Intervention encourages parent-child communication and peer communication (based on Project Northland) (youth + parent) Control schools (curriculum is standard nationally in Croatia) Alcohol use and intention 2 y: reduced alcohol use; 3 y: no change alcohol use 1
42(a) Wolchik et al (2002)79 N = 157; 49% Female; Primarily Caucasian; 10.8 at baseline Intervention 1: 11 group + 2 individual sessions (parent) Books on postdivorce adjustment (parent) Alcohol, substance and polysubstance use 6 y: no change in polysubstance use 3
42(b) Wolchik et al (2002)79 N = 159; 51.8% female; Primarily Caucasian; 10.8 y at baseline Intervention 2: 11 group + 2 individual sessions (parent) + 11 youth sessions Books on postdivorce adjustment (parent) Alcohol, substance and polysubstance use 6 y: no change in polysubstance use 3

NA, not available.


Reduction, no difference, or increase in substance use outcome.


Number of Cochran Criteria indicating low risk of bias from 0 to 5.

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