Figure 5.
NBLAST Classification of Visual PNs
(A) Clustering of unilateral (uVPNs) and bilateral visual PNs (bilVPNs). Inset shows neuropils to which NBLAST was restricted. At right, plots of neuron groups, showing neuropils with most overlap. See also Figure S5.
(A′) Hierarchical clustering (HC) of uVPNs divided into 21 groups (I–XXI); h = 3.65.
(A′′) HC of bilVPNs divided into 8 groups (i–viii); h = 1.22. Group ii corresponds to the LC14 neuron type (Otsuna and Ito, 2006).
(B) Reclustering of uVPN groups I, II, and III from A′. Only neuron segments within anterior optic tubercle (AOTU) or posterior ventrolateral protocerebrum (PVLP) were used for NBLAST HC. The dendrogram was cut into groups 1–7; h = 1.69. Neuron plots match dendrogram groups to known uVPN types. Group 1, LC6 neurons; group 2, LC9. Groups 3 and 4, two new LC10B subtypes. Groups 5 and 7, possible new LC10 types. Group 6, LC10A neurons. This analysis identified five subgroups of LC10 neurons, four of them not previously identified (see also Table S1 and Figure S5B).
(C) Plots of neuron skeletons with partial confocal image Z projections for selected types. White rectangle in inset shows location of close-up. LC, lobula columnar neuron.