Figure 3. STX increases dendritic arborization in hippocampal neurons from WT and Tg2576 mice.
A) Representative images of neurons from each treatment group. B) Sholl analysis of the total number of dendritic branches of cultured hippocampal neurons from Tg2576 and WT littermate control mice (n = 30 neurons per treatment condition). STX treatment (100 nM) induced an increase in dendritic complexity in WT control neurons, and restored the extent of dendritic arborization of Tg2576 neurons to control levels. C) STX increased the maximal extent of arborization (measured at 80 µm from the cell body) in WT neurons and restored the maximal arborization of Tg2576 neurons to control levels. *p<0.05; ***p<0.001. Scale bar in 3A = 25 µm