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. 2016 Aug;17(8):1094–1104. doi: 10.1016/S1470-2045(16)30095-X

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics

Immediate radiotherapy (n=102) Deferred radiotherapy (n=101)
Male 91 (89%) 90 (89%)
Female 11 (11%) 11 (11%)
Age (years) 70 (66–76) 70 (66–77)
Time from diagnosis to randomisation (days) 21 (14–25) 20 (13–27)
Mean time from pleural intervention to randomisation (days) 22·8 (7·7) 22·2 (8·1)
WHO performance score
0 29 (28%) 34 (34%)
1 61 (60%) 53 (52%)
2 9 (9%) 11 (11%)
3 3 (3%) 3 (3%)
Karnofsky performance score 90 (80–90)* 80 (80–90)
Body-mass index 26·2 (4·3) 26·5 (3·3)
Extrathoracic spread on imaging
Yes 4 (4%) 2 (2%)
No 81 (79%) 80 (79%)
Unknown 17 (17%) 19 (19%)
Histological subtype
Epithelioid only 71 (70%) 71 (70%)
Sarcomatoid 8 (8%) 8 (8%)
Biphasic (mixed) 19 (19%) 18 (18%)
Desmoplastic 4 (4%) 0
Other 0 4 (4%)
Basis for diagnosis
Pleural fluid cytology 0 3 (3%)
Pleural biopsy 102 (100%) 98 (97%)
Side of disease
Left 32 (31%) 40 (40%)
Right 69 (68%) 61 (60%)
Bilateral 1 (1%) 0
Smoking status
Current 6 (6%) 7 (7%)
Former 59 (58%) 54 (53%)
Never 37 (36%) 40 (40%)
Respiratory disease 5 (5%) 11 (11%)
Cardiac disease 9 (9%) 12 (12%)
Chronic renal failure 3 (3%) 3 (3%)
Diabetes 15 (15%) 14 (14%)
Steroid use 6 (6%) 5 (5%)
Symptomatic pleural effusion at presentation 91 (89%) 90 (89%)
Chest pain at presentation 36 (35%) 37 (37%)
Previous pleurodesis 54 (53%) 68 (67%)
Type of pleural intervention
Large-bore chest drain insertion 1 (1%) 2 (2%)
Local anaesthetic thoracoscopy 38 (37%) 36 (36%)
Thoracotomy 3 (3%) 6 (6%)
Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery 45 (44%) 46 (46%)
Indwelling pleural catheter insertion 14 (14%) 11 (11%)
Other 1 (1%) 0
Number of pleural puncture sites
1 69 (68%) 68 (67%)
2 27 (26%) 26 (26%)
≥3 6 (6%) 6 (6%)
Unknown 0 1 (1%)
Previous chemotherapy received for mesothelioma 3 (3%) 6 (6%)
Previous radiotherapy received for mesothelioma 1 (1%) 2 (2%)
Oral morphine-equivalent dose (mg) 0 (0–0) 0 (0–0)
Quality of life§
QLQ-C30 global health status subscale 66·7 (50·0–83·3), n=98 66·7 (50·0–83·3), n=96
QLQ-C30 physical functioning subscale 80·0 (53·3–93·3), n=98 76·7 (60·0–86·7), n=96
QLQ-C30 pain subscale 16·7 (0·0–33·3), n=98 16·7 (0·0–33·3), n=97
EQ-5D utility score 0·79 (0·69–0·85), n=100 0·78 (0·62–0·85), n=98
Chest pain (visual analogue scale scores)
On average how much chest pain have you felt today? 5·0 (0·0–17·0) 4·0 (0·5–18·5)
How much has chest pain bothered you today? 3·3 (0·0–13·7) 3·0 (0·0–14·8)
On average how much pain have you felt today from the site of your previous chest wall procedure? 3·0 (0·0–10·0) 2·8 (0·5–15·8)
How much has pain from the site of your previous chest wall procedure bothered you today? 1·5 (0·0–8·0) 3·0 (0·5–15·0)

Data are n (%), median (IQR), or mean (SD). QLQ-C30=European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality-of-Life Questionnaire—Core 30. EQ-5D=EuroQoL-5D.


n=101; one patient had missing data for Karnofsky performance score at baseline.

n=98 in the immediate radiotherapy group and n=97 in the delayed radiotherapy group because the data were not recorded at baseline for the remaining patients.

CT-guided biopsy; this patient was randomised in error.


Quality-of-life scores were derived from two separate questionnaries (QLQ-C30 and EQ-5D), and not all patients completed both at baseline; not all patients completed individual questions necessary to calculate a certain QLQ-C30 subscale.

n=97 in the delayed radiotherapy group because the remaining patients did not complete baseline visual analogue scale scores.