Table 4.
Factors | Estimate | SE | Lower CI | Upper CI |
Intercept | −57.16 | 26.3 | 5.56 | 108.76 |
Lat | - 0.88 | 0.39 | - 1.64 | - 0.11 |
Sex female | - 6.12 | 3.67 | - 13.31 | 1.07 |
Pack Size | 0.05 | 0.15 | - 0.24 | 0.34 |
Sex female * Pack Size | 0.76 | 0.46 | - 0.15 | 1.66 |
Territory Density | 0.02 | 0.02 | - 0.01 | 0.05 |
Body Condition | −4.09 | 3.53 | - 11.01 | 2.82 |
Estimates are averaged among the four top models. Lat: Latitude of the territory centre point, Pack Size: Number of wolves within the territory, Territory Density: Mean Euclidian distance to the next three territory centre points, Body Condition: Individual residual distance to the linear regression line of log body weight and log body length