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. 2016 Jan 25;12(4):1035–1039. doi: 10.1080/21645515.2015.1118592

Table 1.

Changes in hospitalizations due to rotavirus AGE (2005–2013) and Coverage of rotavirus vaccine***

  Hospital in Almería city
Hospital in El Ejido
  AGE Rotavirus Incidence rate per 1,000 population* Change** Coverage of rotavirus vaccine AGE Rotavirus Incidence rate per 1,000 population* Change** Coverage of rotavirus vaccine
Year (n) (n)   (%) (%) (n) (n)   (%) (%)
2005 97 32 4.50 —- —- 45 12 2.71 —- —-
2006 120 31 5.30 —- —- 120 36 7.70 —- —-
2007 114 42 7.20 ↑ 35.80 77.1 71 18 3.80 ↓ 40.80 23.7
2008 72 26 4.10 ↓ 22.60 69.9 53 15 3.00 ↓ 55.80 36.9
2009 50 10 1.60 ↓ 69.80 66.1 53 13 2.50 ↓ 55.80 44.8
2010 44 18 2.48 ↓ 53.20 32.6 58 21 3.90 ↓ 51.60 23.3
2011 44 15 2.11 ↓ 60.20 50.5 63 25 4.60 ↓ 47.50 25.3
2012 42 6 0.88 ↓ 83.40 49.1 100 34 6.40 ↓ 16.60 29.5
2013 51 17 2.60 ↓ 50.90 48.2 101 29 5.40 ↓ 15.80 42.6

Notes. AGE, acute gastroenteritis.


Population of children <2 y old.


Compared to year 2006.


% of patients with complete rotavirus vaccination (3 doses of RotaTeq® or 2 doses of Rotarix®