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. 2016 Jul 27;11(7):e0159041. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0159041

Table 2. Comparison of the criteria used to assess acceptability with participatory approaches and with the OASIS flash tool.

OASIS criteria Participatory approaches criteria / Stakeholders
Similar indicators - Taking partners’ expectations related to the objective into account - Acceptability of the objective / All
- Effective integration of laboratories in the surveillance system - Acceptability of the operation of the surveillance system—Satisfaction of its own role / National reference laboratory
- Simplicity of the notification procedure - Acceptability of the operation of the surveillance system—Satisfaction of its own role / Private veterinarians—Hunters—Forest rangers
- Simplicity of the data collection procedure - Acceptability of the operation of the surveillance system—Satisfaction of its own role / Private veterinarians—Hunters—Forest rangers
- Acceptability of the consequences of a suspicion or case for the source or collector of data - Acceptability of the operation of the surveillance system—Satisfaction with the consequences of the information flow / Farmers—Private veterinarians—Hunters—Forest rangers
- Feedback of the individual analyses results to field actors - Acceptability of the operation of the surveillance system—Satisfaction with the relations / Farmers—Private veterinarians—Hunters—Forest rangers
- Systematic feedback of the surveillance results to field actors (excluding news bulletin) - Acceptability of the operation of the surveillance system—Satisfaction with the relations / Farmers—Private veterinarians—Hunters—Forest rangers
Slightly different indicators - Frequency of meetings of the central coordinating body - Acceptability of the operation of the surveillance system—Satisfaction with the relations / PCU—National reference laboratory—FASFC—FPS
- Active role of intermediary units in the functioning of the system (validation, management, feedback) - Acceptability of the operation of the surveillance system—Satisfaction of its own role / PCU—Forest rangers
- Acceptability of the operation of the surveillance system—Satisfaction of the relations / Farmers—Private veterinarians—FASFC—Hunters—Wildlife coordinator
- Adequacy of material and financial resources of intermediary units - Acceptability of the operation of the surveillance system—Satisfaction of its own role / PCU—Forest rangers
- Existence of coordination meetings at the intermediate level - Acceptability of the operation of the surveillance system—Satisfaction of the relations / Farmers—Private veterinarians—Hunters
- Adequacy of material and financial resources at the field level - Acceptability of the operation of the surveillance system—Satisfaction of its own role / Private veterinarians—Hunters—Forest rangers
Specific indicators - Existence of an operational management structure (central unit) - Trust given to the system / All
- Existence of an operational steering structure that is representative of the partners (steering committee) - Trust given to other stakeholders involved in surveillance / All
- Organization and operations of the system laid down in regulations, a charter, or a convention established between the partners
- Simplicity of the case or threat definition
- Adequacy of the data management system for the needs of the system (relational database, etc.)
- Initial training implemented for all field agents when joining the system
- Regular reports and scientific papers publications on the results of the surveillance

PCU: Provincial Control Unit; FASFC: Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain (headquarter); FPS: Federal Public Service health, food safety and environment