Table 1.
Protein changes in peripheral blood after myocardial injury
Protein | % Change (IQR) 10 min vs. Baseline |
% Change (IQR) 1 hr vs. Baseline |
% Change (IQR) 24 hr vs. Baseline |
P |
Angiogenin | 34.1 (29.3 to 61.8) | 24.5 (19.9 to 38.1) | −1.6 (−6.5 to 15.3) | 2.63 E-06 |
Annexin VI | −46.0 (−75.6 to −32.3) | −34.9 (−76.9 to −30.7) | 33.9 (21.5 to 193.1) | 3.58E-06 |
b-ECGF | 72.7 (32.3 to 102.4) | 103 (82.0 to 158.9) | −3.4 (−7.2 to 6.5) | 1.34E-10 |
Cadherin-12 | 101 (34.9 to 168.7) | 213 (84.2 to 239.0) | 15.4 (−17.6 to 42.5) | 1.02E-04 |
CDC37 | 45.0 (2.1 to 69.2) | 64.3 (22.6 to 81.9) | 7.4 (−6.5 to 18.3) | 2.67E-07 |
Chymase | 41.3 (22.3 to 52.6) | 43.3 (30.5 to 67.5) | 19.1 (−1.7 to 28.9) | 1.91E-04 |
CK-MB | 143 (46.6 to 305.1) | 506 (374.5 to 690.6) | 346 (138.7 to 1053.3) | 9.60E-08 |
CK-MM | 42.0 (13.7 to 81.4) | 233 (146.1 to 287.7) | 234 (108.1 to 484.9) | 7.28E-07 |
Cripto | 45.5 (14.0 to 66.1) | 63.6 (24.4 to 80.7) | 4.9 (−7.3 to 16.4) | 1.74E-04 |
DKK-4 | 124 (101.9 to 157.4) | 56.7 (39.6 to 100.1) | −11.2 (−24.1 to 12.5) | 1.29E-15 |
FABP | 178 (105.3 to 399.1) | 742 (551.8 to 1354.9) | 69.3 (5.3 to 235.0) | 1.28E-15 |
FGF-18 | 134 (83.6 to 173.0) | 272 (189.9 to 359.2) | −8.4 (−27.3 to 98.2) | 6.31E-08 |
FGF-8B | 29.4 (15.7 to 38.9) | 39.1 (26.1 to 56.9) | −0.1 (−10.1 to 8.8) | 1.54E-04 |
GAS1 | 38.3 (18.8 to 51.7) | 65.3 (35.7 to 79.5) | 10.2 (1.0 to 15.1) | 4.73E-05 |
GREM1 | 131 (62.2 to 154.3) | 176 (101.4 to 230.9) | 2.2 (−5.6 to 20.6) | 2.78E-07 |
Histone H2A.z | −61.0 (−73.0 to −48.7) | −38.3 (−52.6 to −23.5) | 84.1 (31.4 to 257.0) | 5.41E-10 |
IL-11 | 32.6 (15.8 to 48.0) | 44.4 (19.2 to 63.4) | 5.3 (−1.3 to 14.4) | 3.65E-08 |
IL-5 | 31.2 (17.7 to 59.0) | 48.9 (30.5 to 71.8) | 23.8 (−5.3 to 50.8) | 3.98E-05 |
IL-6 | −6.0 (−20.2 to 3.9) | 7.0 (−11.6 to 13.2) | 113 (35.9 to 173.7) | 1.20E-04 |
KREM2 | 11.9 (4.6 to 27.8) | 36.1 (24.9 to 39.7) | −1.9 (−10.1 to 6.4) | 1.08E-04 |
LBP | −28.9 (−40.5 to −26.6) | −30.5 (−36.9 to −23.1) | 78.5 (59.6 to 92.3) | 1.03E-07 |
LDH-H1 | 6.7 (0.8 to 18.8) | 8.7 (1.7 to 20.3) | 73.4 (52.4 to 144.2) | 8.76E-14 |
LIFsR | 196 (126.8 to 247.0) | 175 (114.2 to 217.0) | 19.2 (−3.4 to 27.7) | 2.68E-07 |
MDHC | 50.3 (14.6 to 67.0) | 221 (149.3 to 279.4) | 143 (45.4 to 232.4) | 1.48E-08 |
MMP-13 | 141 (102.7 to 237.8) | 64.8 (36.1 to 170.4) | 3.6 (−3.8 to 17.1) | 1.65E-14 |
MMP-16 | 50.7 (20.9 to 68.5) | 62.2 (27.0 to 75.0) | 7.1 (4.2 to 36.9) | 7.33E-10 |
Myoglobin | 88.3 (59.5 to 161.1) | 152 (105.7 to 231.0) | 16.6 (−2.2 to 32.3) | 8.53E-11 |
NACA | 49.7 (16.6 to 70.4) | 43.3 (26.6 to 65.8) | 25.8 (11.2 to 46.6) | 4.72E-05 |
NET4 | 115 (61.0 to 152.3) | 63.3 (20.1 to 82.5) | 1.7 (−9.9 to 23.4) | 1.11E-04 |
PPIB | 42.7 (17.8 to 78.4) | 61.5 (38.3 to 95.5) | 22.9 (10.6 to 59.0) | 3.87E-05 |
SCGF-alpha | 31.4 (19.0 to 55.7) | 48.0 (32.4 to 70.2) | 13.7 (2.3 to 34.2) | 5.89E-07 |
SDF-1 | 120 (78.8 to 193.9) | 82.8 (45.3 to 119.4) | −6.7 (−17.3 to 3.5) | 4.41E-06 |
ST4S6 | 43.6 (33.1 to 58.8) | 20.7 (12.9 to 34.5) | 7.2 (−5.4 to 33.3) | 9.94E-07 |
TECK | 530 (264.8 to 634.9) | 213 (80.5 to 251.4) | −20.1 (−33.3 to 9.7) | 5.53E-18 |
TPI | 45.1 (8.1 to 58.2) | 89.1 (59.3 to 145.7) | 2.4 (−9.1 to 37.5) | 4.21E-08 |
Troponin I | 836 (452 to 1241) | 2692 (1756 to 5241) | 11400 (8435 to 20459) | 1.34E-26 |
URB | 39.1 (23.7 to 51.9) | 18.9 (12.1 to 25.8) | −17.6 (−26.4 to −4.5) | 1.76E-04 |
Shown are proteins with ≥ 33% increase from baseline at any time point within validation cohort and P < 2.30E-04 (one-way ANOVA on log transformed RFU values), listed in alphabetical order. All proteins listed were significant in derivation cohort with P < 5.70E-05 (one-way ANOVA on log transformed RFU values). Change values denote median percent change (first and third quartiles). See Supplemental Table 1 for full protein names, Entrez Gene symbol/ID and UniProt ID.