Figure 5. Myocardial recovery during reperfusion after 30 min of global ischemia of hearts isolated from 7-month-old control mice raised in normal litters (NL) and postnatally overfed mice raised in small litters (SL) which, at 6 months of age, were assigned to be fed either ad libitum (AL) or with 20% calorie restriction (CR) for 1 month (4 groups were constituted: NLAL (n = 13), NLCR (n = 6), SLAL (n = 10) and SLCR (n = 13)).
(A) Recovery of pre-ischemic coronary flow (in %). (B) Recovery of pre-ischemic developed pressure (in %) (C) Ventricular infarct size (% of ventricular surface). (D) Representative TTC staining of heart slices. *significantly different from NLAL, p < 0.05. †significantly different from SLAL, p < 0.05.