Has your doctor recommended HPV vaccine? Yes No Do not have a doctor |
HPV vaccine protects against genital warts. True False |
HPV vaccine protects against genital cancer. True False |
HPV vaccine protects against head and neck cancer. True False |
Have you received HPV vaccine? Yes No |
How many doses of HPV vaccine have you received? 0 1 2 3 4 5 |
If you have not received all doses, what is the reason for not finishing the HPV vaccine series? |
What is the main reason you accept/decline HPV vaccine? |
What source of HPV information do you trust most? Family/Friends Doctor News Media Social Media
Select one response for each statement
Strongly agree
Do not know
Strongly disagree
HPV vaccine is important for the health of girls/women |
HPV vaccine is important for the health of boys/men |
I do not plan to receive HPV vaccine |
I plan to complete the HPV vaccine series |
I have already completed the HPV vaccine series |
HPV vaccine is safe |
HPV vaccine is effective in preventing genital cancers |
HPV vaccine is effective at preventing head/neck cancers |
I have friends who have received HPV vaccine |
I am concerned about short-term side effects |
I am concerned HPV vaccine has long-term health risks |
HPV vaccine is unnecessary |
HPV vaccine costs more than I can afford |
Receiving HPV vaccine will change my sexual behaviors |
It is hard to find time to get all doses of HPV vaccine |
It is hard to find a place to get all doses of HPV vaccine |
I would get HPV vaccine if my doctor recommended it |
I have enough information to make a decision about receiving HPV vaccine. |