Table 1.
Posterior means and 95% highest posterior density intervals (HPDIs) (conditional on covariate being present in the model) and Bayes factors for model parameters. and σ2 always in the model
Parameter | Covariate | Posterior mean | HPDI (95%) | Bayes factor |
α | Intercept | −0.0773 | (−0.0883, −0.0655) | NA |
β1 | Northing | −0.0109 | (−0.0241, 0.0019) | 0.257 |
β2 | Easting | −0.0308 | (−0.0436, −0.0186) | >100 |
β3 | Sub/rur | −0.0164 | (−0.0286, −0.0050) | 2.760 |
γ1 | Dens dep | −0.0002 | (−0.0007, −0.0001) | 0.002 |
γ2 | Sparrowhawk | −0.0371 | (−0.0454, −0.0302) | >100 |
γ3 | Collared dove | −0.0004 | (−0.0045, 0.0042) | 0.023 |
γ4 | Ground frost | 0.0493 | (0.0408, 0.0576) | >100 |
ϕ | − | 0.7363 | (0.7148, 0.7607) | NA |
p | − | 1.3651 | (1.3542, 1.3758) | NA |
σ2 | − | 0.0152 | (0.0124, 0.0183) | NA |