Figure 3. GTP-RhoA and Sox9 are upregulated in Cad11 OX AoVs.
A–C, Active GTP-bound RhoA (GTP-RhoA) expression is higher in Cad11 OX mice at 10 months throughout the aortic valve. Normal GTP-RhoA expression in WT mice is mostly restricted to the valve endothelium (white arrows) whereas expression in Cad11 OX is high in both the endothelium and interstitium (white arrowheads) (n≥5, *p<0.01). D–G, Nuclear and overall Sox9 expression are higher in Cad11 OX mice at 10 months as measured by whole valve fluorescence and colocalization with DRAQ5-stained nuclei. Significance was determined using the Student’s t-test (n≥5, **p<0.005, ***p<1E-8) Scale bar=100μm.