Figure 5. Deletion of AT2R decreases cellular beta-catenin.
Murine MSCs from wild-type littermate (Littermate) and AT2R-null (AT2RKO) mice were incubated in adipogenic medium for 14 days. Cell lysates were isolated and subjected to immunoblotting analysis using antibodies for beta-catenin, PPAR-gamma, and GAPDH. (A)-(C) The blots from three independent experiments are shown. Lane 1, Littermate; Lane 2, AT2RKO. (D) and (E): Densitometric quantitation for beta-catenin/GAPDH (D) and PPAR-gamma/GAPDH (E) from three independent experiments. Data are mean ± S.E.M.; *P <0.05 vs. Littermate group.