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. 2016 May 31;474(9):1962–1966. doi: 10.1007/s11999-016-4908-y

Table 1.

Excerpts from the survey instrument for pre/post program evaluation of Medical Student Outreach Program (MSOP) participants*

Question Response options
1. How intellectually interested are you in the following?
 The Musculoskeletal System
 Surgical Techniques
 Orthopaedic Surgery
5-point Likert Scale
Very Disinterested (1), Disinterested (2), Neutral (3), Interested (4), Very Interested (5)
2. How do you perceive orthopaedic surgery with regard to the following?
 Lifestyle During/After Training
 Work Force Diversity Within the Specialty
 Length of Training
 Financial Rewards
 Physical Demands
5-point Likert Scale
Very Unfavorable (1), Unfavorable (2), Neutral (3), Favorable (4), Very Favorable (5)
3. Were you interested in orthopaedic surgery before participating in the program? Yes, No, Undecided
4. Did this program have any impact on your intentions to pursue orthopaedic surgery? 5-point Likert Scale
Very Negative (1), Negative (2), No Impact (3), Positive (4), Very Positive (5)
5. (If No or Undecided for Q3) How likely are you now to select orthopaedic surgery as a specialty? 5-point Likert Scale
Definitely Not (1), Not Very Likely (2), Could Go Either Way (3), Likely (4), Very Likely (5)

*These excerpts focus on factors influencing choice of medical specialty as well as perceptions of orthopaedics.