Table 1.
Excerpts from the survey instrument for pre/post program evaluation of Medical Student Outreach Program (MSOP) participants*
Question | Response options |
1. How intellectually interested are you in the following? The Musculoskeletal System Surgical Techniques Orthopaedic Surgery |
5-point Likert Scale Very Disinterested (1), Disinterested (2), Neutral (3), Interested (4), Very Interested (5) |
2. How do you perceive orthopaedic surgery with regard to the following? Lifestyle During/After Training Work Force Diversity Within the Specialty Length of Training Financial Rewards Physical Demands Competitiveness |
5-point Likert Scale Very Unfavorable (1), Unfavorable (2), Neutral (3), Favorable (4), Very Favorable (5) |
3. Were you interested in orthopaedic surgery before participating in the program? | Yes, No, Undecided |
4. Did this program have any impact on your intentions to pursue orthopaedic surgery? | 5-point Likert Scale Very Negative (1), Negative (2), No Impact (3), Positive (4), Very Positive (5) |
5. (If No or Undecided for Q3) How likely are you now to select orthopaedic surgery as a specialty? | 5-point Likert Scale Definitely Not (1), Not Very Likely (2), Could Go Either Way (3), Likely (4), Very Likely (5) |
*These excerpts focus on factors influencing choice of medical specialty as well as perceptions of orthopaedics.