Morphologically normal but reduced pancreatic islet mass in HFD-fed M4K4 iKO mice. A, C–H, Flox/Flox and M4K4 iKO mice were fed HFD for 16 weeks following tamoxifen treatment. A, islets were isolated from HFD-fed mice, and quantitative RT-PCR was performed for the indicated genes and normalized to 36b4 (#, p < 0.0005; n = 10). B, reduced Map4k4 protein expression in whole pancreata derived from chow-fed Flox/Flox and M4K4 iKO mice. Data are representative of Flox/Flox and iKO mice. C, pancreata from HFD-fed mice were stained with insulin (red) and glucagon (green). Representative Flox/Flox and M4K4 iKO islets are shown at 20× magnification. D and E, pancreata were stained for insulin (brown) and hematoxylin (blue). D, representative images from HFD-fed mice. E, quantitation of islet mass as a percentage of total pancreas mass multiplied by pancreas weight. (ANOVA *, p < 0.05; n = 5–12). F and G, pancreata were stained with insulin (red) and Ki67 (green). F, representative islets. G, quantitation of the percentage of Ki67+/insulin+ cells (*, p < 0.05; n = 4–5). H, islets were isolated, and qRT-PCR was performed for the indicated genes and normalized to 36b4 (*, p < 0.05; n = 10). Data are mean ± S.E.