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. 2016 Jul 22;16(Suppl 1):15. doi: 10.1186/s12898-016-0064-1

Table 5.

F statistics and p values from the ANOVAs to examine for urban-rural differences, the effects of adjacent hard surface, and their interaction on three scores and two measures of wildlife richness

Hedge structure score Wildlife food score Animal diversity score Number of invertebrate groups Number of woody species
df1 F P F P F P F P F P
Urban/Rural (UR) 1 21.33 <0.001 14.96 <0.001 0.47 0.491 0.97 0.324 0.25 0.618
Hard surfaces (H) 2 16.04 <0.001 8.57 <0.001 19.47 <0.001 10.06 <0.001 8.04 <0.001
UR*H 2 1.31 0.269 1.85 0.158 7.19 0.001 0.76 0.469 2.26 0.104

Numerator degrees of freedom as shown (df1), denominator d.f. ranged from 2691 to 2885

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