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. 2016 Jul 29;6:30553. doi: 10.1038/srep30553

Table 1. Definitions of key terms; some definitions are specific to their use in this study.

Term Definition
Aquitard Low permeability material that prevents or greatly retards water movement between or within an aquifer.
Biogeochemical facies A geological unit with specific biogeochemical properties such as redox chemistry or reactivity.
Bray-Curtis Multivariate statistic that uses OTU relative abundances to quantify the difference in community composition between a pair of communities.
Ecological selection Selection is the result of biotic and abiotic pressures causing variation in reproductive success across individuals and species.
Fermentation Energy yielding reaction in which organic compounds are the primary electron donor and the ultimate electron acceptor.
Fluvio-lacustrine Sediments deposited by ancient rivers or lakes.
Framboid Spherical micromorphology of pyrite (FeS2) common to some anoxic sediments.
Lithofacies A geologic unit with specific petrological characteristics such as grain size and mineralogy.
β-mean nearest taxon distance (βMNTD) Multivariate statistic that (i) uses the phylogenetic distance between each OTU in one community and its closest relative in a second community to (ii) quantify the average phylogenetic distance between two communities.
β-nearest taxon index (βNTI) Quantifies the difference between observed βMNTD and the mean of the βMNTD null distribution, in units of standard deviations.
Nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) Statistical method used to collapse high-dimensional data onto a small number of axes to facilitate interpretation and visualization.
Null model Randomization used here to generate βMNTD values expected if community assembly was not influenced by ecological selection; repeating the randomization many times provides a distribution of null βMNTD values, used in the calculation of βNTI.
Operational Taxonomic Unit (OTU) 16S rRNA gene sequences similar enough to each other—based on a pre-defined threshold—to be grouped together prior to statistical analysis.
Redox Contraction of oxidation-reduction; net oxidation state of sediment based on the oxidation state of individual elements (i.e., Mn, Fe, S).
OTU richness The number of unique OTUs present in a sample or community.
Terminal electron acceptor (TEA) Oxidized form of an element used by microorganisms for the biochemical oxidation of organic carbon or reduced inorganic compounds (electron donors) to generate energy.
Transition zone Spatial domains where properties of interest (e.g., redox) change dramatically over distances much shorter than the scale of the whole system.