(a) Time-dependent photocatalytic
aldehyde and H2 production
with NCNCNx (5 mg), NiP (50 nmol), 4-MBA (30 μmol)
in KPi (0.02 M, pH 4.5, 3 mL) under 1 sun irradiation (AM
1.5G) at 25 °C. For each time-point, three vials were irradiated
for a specified number of hours and then worked-up. (b) Simultaneous
H2 and aldehyde production under optimized reaction conditions
in the absence (AM 1.5G) and in the presence of a UV-filter (λ
> 400 nm). The pair of hollow and filled symbols of the same shape
and color corresponds to H2 and aldehyde production, respectively,
under the specified reaction conditions. Control experiments in the
absence of NiP, 4-MBA, NCNCNx and in the dark are also shown.