Figure 8.
Kinetic profiling of the trafficking properties of gain-of-function V2R NSIAD mutants. HEK293FT cells were transiently transfected with wild-type V2R (black circles), R137C V2R (blue triangles), R137L V2R (red squares), or L312S V2R (orange diamonds) tagged with Rluc8 and (A) the plasma membrane marker K-ras or one of the subcellular markers (B) Rab1, (C) Rab4, (D) Rab5, (E) Rab6, (F) Rab7, (G) Rab8, (H) Rab9, or (I) Rab11 tagged with Venus. BRET ratio (ligand-vehicle) was calculated as described in Materials and Methods. AVP (1μM) or vehicle was added at t = 0 after establishment of the baseline. Points represent mean ± SEM of 3 independent experiments. Note wild-type data are replicated in Figure 9 and Supplemental Figure 4.