Figure 1. TOW mice exhibited ongoing spontaneous pain, evoked pain, and activation of spinal PKCδ.
(A) Lidocaine (0.04%, i.t.) induced CPP in TOW (hβS/hβS) SCD mice. TOW mice spent significantly more time in lidocaine-paired chambers, whereas nonsickle control mice showed no chamber preference. (B) Difference scores between test time and preconditioning (pre) time confirmed that hβS/hβS, but not hβA/hβA, mice developed lidocaine CPP. (C) TOW mice displayed significantly reduced paw withdrawal threshold to von Frey filaments when compared with hβA/hβA mice. (D) In response to noxious radiant heat, TOW mice showed significantly shorter paw withdrawal latency compared with hA/hβA mice. Data were analyzed by ANOVA followed by Dunnett’s t test. Two-way ANOVA (pairing vs. treatment) and post hoc Bonferroni’s test were used to analyze CPP data. Difference scores were analyzed by 2-tailed paired t test. ***P < 0.001 vs. hβA/hβA. n = 8/group. (E) Immunohistochemistry showed plasma membrane translocation of PKCδ (indicated by solid arrows) in the superficial lamina region of the dorsal spinal cord in TOW, but not hβA/hβA, mice. PKCδ fluorescent intensity across representative cells (indicated by dashed arrows) is shown. Red, PKCδ; green, NeuN. Scale bars: 20 μm. n = 15 slices from 3 mice.