Fig 1.
Modulations in EMT related proteins in parental and TKI-resistant NSCLC cells 1.25×105 cells were seeded in 35 mm dishes and treated with EGF (15 ng/ml for 2.5 minutes) or HGF (40 ng/ml for 7.5 minutes) and/or erlotinib (10 μM for 24 hr) or SU11274 (10μM for 24 hr). (A, B) The immunoblotting results show that Vimentin, N-Cadherin, β-Catenin and Zeb-1 were up-regulated, while E-Cadherin was downregulated in the H2170/H358-ER and H2170-SR cells when compared to the H2170/H358-P cells with the same treatments. (C) The fold changes were calculated by densitometric analysis using ImageJ software and are shown as bar graphs. (D) Phase contrast confocal microscopic images of H2170 cells stained with DAPI. H2170-ER/SR cells show EMT characteristics as these cells are more elongated, spindle shaped and non-polar compared to H2170-P cells.