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. 2016 Jul 29;6:31. doi: 10.1186/s13561-016-0108-4

Table 4.

DCE patient survey respondents: DCE responses, individual characteristics and ‘current’ situation at 24-month follow-up

All Medman trial participants Trial groups Intervention subgroups
Intervention and control together Intervention Control Intervention still receiving at 24 months Intervention not receiving at 24 months
N (%)a N (%)a N (%)a P valueb N (%)a N (%)a P valueb
DCE completed 714 (100) 469 (100) 245 (100) - 247 (100) 222 (100) -
DCE passing rationality tests 676 (95) 441 (94) 235 (96) - 232 (94) 208 (94) -
DCE eligible for analysisc 554 (78) 364 (77.8) 190 (77.5) - 188 (76.1) 176 (79.3) -
Gender (male) 387 (54) 250 (69) 137 (72) 0.40 125 (66) 125 (71) 0.35
Age (mean (SD)) 70.595 (8.31) 70.44 (8.53) 70.75 (8.09) 0.67 72.00 (8.23) 68.77 (8.55) <0.01
Income 0.08 <0.01
-Up to £20,000 366 (51) 249 (79) 117 (71) 152 (87) 97 (69)
-£20,000-£40,000 100 (14) 57 (18) 43 (26) 20 (11) 37 (26)
-Over £40,000 14 (2) 9 (3) 5 (3) 2 (1) 7 (5)
‘Current’ situation
Advice 0.98 <0.01
- No advice 230 (32) 150 (41) 80 (42) 36 (19) 114 (65)
-On medicines only 175 (25) 114 (31) 61 (32) 79 (42) 35 (20)
- On health only 9 (1) 6 (2) 3 (2) 1 (1) 5 (3)
-On Medicines/Health/life 140 (20) 94 (26) 46 (24) 72 (38) 22 (13)
Privacy (yes) 308 (43) 215 (59) 93 (49) 0.23 146 (78) 69 (39) <0.01
Replies (yes) 267 (37) 186 (51) 81 (43) 0.06 130 (69) 56 (32) <0.01
Chance 0.34 <0.01
-Very poor 14 (2) 9 (2) 5 (3) 3 (2) 6 (3)
-Poor 204 (29) 140 (39) 64 (34) 93 (50) 47 (27)
-Good 297 (42) 190 (52) 107 (56) 88 (47) 102 (58)
-Very Good 36 (5) 23 (6) 13 (7) 3 (2) 20 (11)
Time (median [IQR]) 15 [10–30] 15 [10–30] 15 [10–30] 1 15 [10–25] 17.5 [10–30] 0.03
Cost (median [IQR]) 0 [0–0.58] 0 [0–0.58] 0 [0–0.8] 0.53 0 [0–0.4] 0 [0–0.8] 0.03

a Percentages refer to the respondents completing each question; b Differences between groups at 24-month follow-up were tested using: independent t test statistics (continuous normally distributes data); Mann–Whitney test (continuous not normally distributed data); chi-squared test (categorical data); c Valid responses passing rationality testing and completing answers on their ‘current’