Fig. 2.
Polarized 3D cysts of Myo5bKD C2BBe cells in culture display MVIs and F-actin redistribution. 3D cysts were cultured, immunolabeled for F-actin, and imaged by confocal microscopy as described in materials and methods. Control C2BBe cells (A), scrambled C2BBe cells (B), and Myo5bKD C2BBe cells (C) display varying degrees of BB disorganization. Top: images of F-actin (red) and nuclei (blue). Middle: images of F-actin-only-labeled cysts. Brackets circumscribe the areas inserted under higher magnification; asterisks and arrows indicate inclusions and brush borders, respectively. Inset, scale bar 5 μm; main panel, scale bar 20 μm. Bottom: representative phase contrast micrographs of polarized cysts. Images were taken on a phase-contrast inverted microscope at ×400 magnification.