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. 2016 Jul 30;8:26. doi: 10.1186/s13195-016-0190-1

Table 3.

GM volume regions positively correlated with the scores on the FCSRT for the whole group of patients (group ABC) using VBM

Group (score) P Brain region Side BA k x y z T
ABC (TR), n = 138 P FWE = 0.05 Parahippocampal g. L 35 212 –26 –15 –27 5.59
Hippocampus NA 33 –21 –27 –12 5.13
Parahippocampal g. R 35 154 26 –10 –32 5.48
P = 0.001 Hippocampus L NA 1227/4337 –28 –10 –24 5.02
Parahippocampal g. 28, 34–36 818/4337 –26 –15 –27 5.59
Temporal pole 38 281/4337 –31 6 –21 4.25
Temporal lobe 38 905/4337 –31 6 –21 4.25
Amygdala NA 372/4337 –28 –3 –21 4.23
Parahippocampal g. R 20, 28, 36 812/1700 27 –15 –33 4.56
Hippocampus NA 172/1700 –25 –9 –24 3.91
Temporal pole NA 20/53 37 13 –18 3.39
Hippocampus NA 99/1200 –25 –9 –24 3.91
ABC (FR), n = 138 P = 0.001 Hippocampus L NA 470/1188 –24 –34 –3 3.82
Parahippocampal g. 28, 35 295/1188 –19 –28 –13 3.97
Amygdala NA 25/1188 –21 –9 –12 3.26
Hippocampus R NA 264/572 25 –35 1 3.65
Parahipocampal g. 27 104/572 21 –34 –3 3.76
ABC (DTR), n = 138 P FWE = 0.05 Parahippocampal g. L 35 25 –26 –15 –27 5.06
P = 0.001 Parahippocampal g. L 28, 34–36 1646/2401 –26 –15 –27 5.06
Hippocampus NA 711/2401 –27 –10 –24 4.38
Temporal lobe 20 151/2401 –37 –12 –25 3.29
Amygdala NA 313/2401 –25 0 –18 3.65
Parahippocampal g. R 28, 35, 36 496/850 25 –12 –36 4.04
Hippocampus NA 36/850 27 –10 –25 3.61
Temporal lobe 20 68/850 37 13 –18 3.39

Statistical analyses were performed including age, gender, education level, total GM volume and centre as nuisance covariates, with a threshold of P = 0.05, FWE or P = 0.001, uncorrected, including a minimal k of 50 voxels

GM grey matter, FCSRT Free and Cued Selective Reminding Test, VBM voxel-based morphometry, L left, R right, BA Brodmann area, k cluster size in voxel (specific region’s volume/cluster’s global volume), x, y, z Talairach coordinates, T T value, g. gyrus, DTR delayed total recall, FR free recall, FWE family-wise error, TR total recall