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. 2016 Jul 29;34(35):4213–4220. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2016.06.050

Table 3.

Vaccine and injection supplies costs with and without measles second dose, pneumococcal, and rotavirus vaccines (2014 US$).

Antigen Doses per person Vaccine coverage of first dose Vial size Wastage in percent Costs per dose (incl. freight) Total vaccine costs Injection supply costs Total costs % of total
Bacille Calmette Guerin 1 95% 20 50% 0.15 185,495 52,669 238,164 1%
Diphteria-Tetanus-Pertussis-HepB-Hib 3 96% 1 5% 2.87 5,242,890 120,314 5,363,205 32%
Measles 1 85% 10 40% 0.29 245,002 40,073 285,075 2%
Oral polio vaccine 4 96% 10 25% 0.23 701,364 701,364 4%
Tetanus toxoid 2 74% 10 25% 0.12 172,084 77,881 249,966 1%
Total before new vaccines 6,546,835 290,937 6,837,773

Measles 2nd dose 1 33% 10 40% 0.29 97,564 15,558 115,567 1%
Pneumococcal conjugate 3 96% 2 5% 3.61 6,766,366 120,314 7,073,884 42%
Rotavirus 2 96% 1 5% 2.21 2,757,647 2,832,528 17%
Total with new vaccines 16,168,412 411,252 16,859,752 100%