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. 2016 Jan 21;21:773–782. doi: 10.1007/s10147-016-0952-6

Table 1.

Summary of demographics and other baseline characteristics

Demographic/characteristic Phase I (N = 9) Phase II (N = 38)
Age (years)
 Median 73.0 71.5
 Min–max 62–86 50–85
Height (cm)
 Median 166.0 165.7
 Min–max 156.2–174.4 153.4–181.0
Weight (kg)
 Median 71.2 65.7
 Min–max 49.2–88.9 49.2–93.0
 Grade 0 8 (88.9) 25 (65.8)
 Grade 1 1 (11.1) 13 (34.2)
Total Gleason scoreb at initial diagnosisa
 Low, 2–4 0 0
 Medium, 5–7 0 8 (21.1)
 High, 8–10 9 (100.0) 29 (76.3)
 Unknown 0 1 (2.6)
Clinical tumor stage (T)c at initial diagnosisa
 TX 1 (11.1) 1 (2.6)
 T0 0 0
 T1 0 0
 T2 1 (11.1) 10 (26.3)
 T3 6 (66.7) 16 (42.1)
 T4 1 (11.1) 10 (26.3)
 Unknown 0 1 (2.6)
Clinical lymph node stage at initial diagnosisa
 NX 2 (22.2) 1 (2.6)
 N0 3 (33.3) 14 (36.8)
 N1 4 (44.4) 22 (57.9)
 Unknown 0 1 (2.6)
Distant metastasis (M)c at initial diagnosisb
 MX 0 1 (2.6)
 M0 3 (33.3) 17 (44.7)
 M1 6 (66.7) 19 (50.0)
 Unknown 0 1 (2.6)
Number of bone metastases
 0 3 (33.3) 8 (21.1)
 1 1 (11.1) 1 (2.6)
 2–4 1 (11.1) 6 (15.8)
 5–9 0 7 (18.4)
 ≥10 4 (44.4) 16 (42.1)
Anti-androgen withdrawal syndromea
 Yes 0 4 (10.5)
Stage of prostate cancera,b
 Localized 1 (11.1) 6 (15.8)
 Locally advanced 2 (22.2) 11 (28.9)
 Metastatic 6 (66.7) 19 (50.0)
 Not classifiable 0 2 (5.3)
PSA at baseline (ng/mL)
 Mean (SD) 634.82 (1403.52) 174.94 (307.97)
 Median 21.60 65.80
Duration of disease at screening (months)
 Mean (SD) 47.36 (22.23) 63.11 (38.15)
 Median 39.93 52.83

ECOG PS Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status, PSA prostate-specific antigen, SD standard deviation

aNumber (%) of patients

bGleason [27]

cClassified using the TNM classification [28] as follows: localized, T1/2 and (NX or N0) and M0; locally advanced, T3/4 and (NX or N0) and M0 or N1 and M0; metastatic, M1; Not classifiable, others