Figure 3. The association between resistin (RETN) and interferon λ-3 (IFNL3).
(a) Pairwise correlations between genotypes and clinical parameters are shown in a color map. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients are presented using a spectrum of colors ranging from dark brown to deep purple (the color bar is shown at the right). The HCV genotypes include genotype type 1 (coded as 1) and non-genotype type 1 (coded as 2). SVR: sustained viral response. SNPs are ordered by their locations along chromosome 19. The genotypes of 4 RETN SNPs are highly correlated with each other, forming a mosaic red-brown color block near the center of the color map. IFNL3 genotype “CC” is strongly correlated with RETN-rs3745367 genotype “AA” (Spearman correlation coefficient = 0.172, p = 0.013). (b,c) RNA fold changes for IFNL3 (b) and resistin (c) after stimulation with recombinant resistin (green bars) or IFNL3 (red bars) in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). (d) Proposed mechanism for the pathways associated with resistin and IFNL3 in interferon-based therapy stratified by RETN score. Panel to the left of the dashed line: pathways associated with RETN = 0; panel to the right of the dashed line: pathways associated with RETN >0. IFN: interferon; LD: linkage disequilibrium; Rx: reactions; HSCs: hepatic stellate cells; KCs: Kupffer cells; HPCs: hepatic progenitor cells; red arrows (straight or circle): upregulation. Please see the text for detailed descriptions.