Figure 1.
Natural history underlying the hypothesized adaptive function of the A294V mutation in the gene that encodes ADH4 [11]: (a) the aye-aye (Daubentonia madagascariensis; photograph by David Haring, reproduced with permission); (b) the traveller's tree (Ravenala madagascariensis; Strelitziaceae) is an enduring symbol of Madagascar [15] in part because of its distinctive, distichous leaf arrangement; (c) the axillary inflorescence of R. madagascariensis is distinguished by congested overlapping bracts, some of which are shown with protruding flowers (photograph by Gerald McCormack, reproduced with permission). For aye-ayes, the sturdy bracts and flowers of R. madagascariensis are potential sources of fermented nectar, perhaps, especially areas of abundant stands (‘Ravenala forests’ [16]) in eastern Madagascar.