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. 2015 Sep 6;62(4):267–276. doi: 10.1002/jmrs.132

Table 3.

Summary of NGT and PEG tube advantages and disadvantages

Variable PEG NGT
Insertion Requires sedation, theatre time or endoscopy suite Outpatient procedure
Cost (AUD) $626 $50
Duration Indefinite, tube replaced annually as outpatient <4 weeks, max. 10 weeks
Complications – acute Less common Dislodgement common, pain in setting of mucositis
Complications – late Longer term tube dependence, dysphagia, increased risk of pharyngo‐oesophageal strictures Less common, shorter tube dependence
QOL Patient satisfaction generally high Generally considered less convenient, negative impact on social functioning and body image

PEG, percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy; NGT, nasogastric tube; AUD, Australian Dollars.